Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Recursive SQL

Our shop recently upgraded to Oracle 11g Release 2.  Having used DB2 for many years, two new 11gR2 features caught my eye.   First, Oracle 11gR2 supports aliasing the names of common table expressions.  Second, Oracle supports SQL-99 syntax for recursion using common table expressions.

Let's start with some data first.  In the Oracle editor of your choice, run the following script. The script creates some test data for us in the system catalog, and we'll use this data to solve a practical problem.
create table t1 ( v1 varchar2(1));

create view v1 as select * from t1;

create view v2 as select * from v1;

create view v3 as select * from v2;

create view v4 as select * from v1; 
The script creates five new objects in the system catalog. The DBA_DEPENDENDCIES view shows the dependency of one object on another. In our example, view V1 depends on table T1. View V2 depends on view V1. View V3 depends on view V2.  View V4 depends on view V1. Every object, whether it is a table, view, package, or object of any type, has a row in DBA_DEPENDENCIES if the object depends on another object, or if the object has other objects depending on it.

The USER_DEPENDENCIES view is a subset of DBA_DEPENDENCIES; DBA_DEPENDENCIES may be not be available to everyone, so these examples will use USER_DEPENDENCIES. The two columns of interest to us are the NAME and REFERENCED_NAME columns. A row in this view means that object NAME depends on object REFERENCED_NAME. In the following query, we see every dependency that we described in the previous paragraph.

select name, referenced_name
from user_dependencies
where referenced_name in ('V1','T1','V2','V3') 
order by 1;

-----   ---------------
V1      T1
V2      V1
V3      V2
V4      V1
The USER_DEPENDENCIES view shows us all the direct dependents of an object. The USER_DEPENDENCIES view shows that view V4 depends on view V1.  USER_DEPENDENCIES does not show that view V4 indirectly depends on table T1.  If you don't believe that, drop table T1 and then run a query against view V4.  Not so good!

A shop with many tables, views, packages, procedures, functions, and triggers, will have an extensive hierarchy of dependencies. So, while this view shows the direct dependents, it does not show all the dependents. Does view V4 depend on table T1? Before we drop table T1, we need to know the answer to that question!

This problem is easily solved with recursive SQL queries. We'll take a look at two ways of handling this. First, we'll examine how to answer this question using recursion with common table expressions, à la DB2 or Oracle 11gR2. Here's the query:
with recurs (name, rname, lvl ) as (
   select name, referenced_name, 1
   from user_dependencies
   where referenced_name = 'T1'

   union all

   select a.name, a.referenced_name, r.lvl + 1
   from user_dependencies a,
        recurs  r
   where r.name = a.referenced_name
select name, rname, lvl
from recurs; 

----    -----   ---
V1      T1      1
V2      V1      2
V4      V1      2
V3      V2      3
The first new feature in 11gR2 is aliasing the common table expression columns. We have declared RECURS as a common table expression with two columns, NAME and RNAME. Oracle 11gR1 supported common table expressions, but 11gR1 did not support aliasing the column names.
The next new feature is the recursive query. We have two sub-queries unioned together. The first query is our starting point: REFERENCED_NAME = 'T1'. The second query is the recursion. We select rows from a join of the USER_DEPENDENCIES table and the RECURS common table expression. The rows are linked by joining the REFERENCED_NAME of USER_DEPENDENCIES to the NAME of RECURS. In other words, we join the child row from USER_DEPENDENCIES to the parent row from RECURS. The LVL column shows the depth of the hierarchy.

DB2 LUW has supported common table expressions and recursion for at least 10 years. Oracle's pre-11g2 databases supported recursive queries in a limited way using the START WITH ... CONNECT BY PRIOR syntax.   Run the following query, and we get the same results, although not in the same order. LEVEL is an Oracle pre-defined column showing the depth of the hierarchy. In the previous query, we found this by keeping track of the level (LVL) ourselves.

select name, referenced_name, level
from user_dependencies
start with referenced_name = 'T1'
connect by prior name = referenced_name;

----    ---------------  -----
V1      T1               1
V2      V1               2
V3      V2               3
V4      V1               2
Like Oracle's outer join operator "(+)" from the last post, START WITH ... CONNECT BY PRIOR is very common in Oracle shops, so it's important to understand it. Also, it's very concise, always a benefit to those among us who have ten thumbs on the keyboard.

Recursive queries are another good tool to have in our toolbox.  Trying to sort out the object dependencies is just one use.  Another common problem is sorting out the system privileges.  Many applications define their own authorization schemes, granting access to roles or groups, then including those roles/groups in other roles/groups.  Recursive queries can answer the question "what users have authorization to which tables", and these queries can show the underlying hierarchy.

But before we go, for our example query to be really useful, we need to account for the rest of the columns in DBA_DEPENDENCIES. In addition to the object's name, DBA_DEPENDENCIES includes the object's owner and the object's type. If we don't account for any object's type and owner, we quickly end up with a recursive loop, especially if our objects include package specs and package bodies. Here's the improved query:
with recurs (name, owner, type, rname, rowner, rtype,  lvl ) as (
   select name, owner, type, referenced_name, referenced_owner, referenced_type, 1
   from dba_dependencies
   where referenced_name = 'T1'

   union all

   select a.name, a.owner, a.type, a.referenced_name, a.referenced_owner, a.referenced_type, r.lvl + 1
   from dba_dependencies a,
        recurs  r
   where r.name = a.referenced_name
     and r.owner = a.referenced_owner
     and r.type = a.referenced_type 
) cycle name, owner, type set cycle_detected to 1 default 0
select * 
from recurs; 
Now when we join a parent row to a child row, we're joining on all the appropriate columns, and a recursive loop is less likely. Another improvement in this query is the use of the CYCLE keyword. CYCLE instructs the database to detect when our query has previously visited the row defined by name, owner, and type. When the database detects this condition -- a recursive loop -- the database sets the CYCLE_DETECTED column to 1 and does not descend further. Now we have a really useful query.

More Reading

For more information, the vendors' publications have some good examples:

Also, see my blog entry discussing recursion to implement aggregation in SQL Server.


  1. Hi I've used your code for dba_dependencies to try and recursively find dependencies. But I'm hitting some trouble, it seems that my results are only a level deep. My sql will find where name=referenced_name but it does not continue on to find where that refenced name = its referenced name and so on. Do you know what I may be doing wrong? The only difference between my code and yours is that I put "=:object_name" instead of "=T1"

  2. My initial subquery pulled the referenced_name twice; I fixed it and updated the post. Substituting the host variable ":object_name" for a constant shouldn't make any difference; just be sure if your object names are upper case in the catalog (that's usually true) that you assign upper-cased values to :object_name.
